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Test of faithfulness

Cena: 200,00 zł
Opis: Test of faithfulness (Semen Test) allows to detect traces of man's sperm in underwear up to 72
hours after sexual intercourse. Definite result of the test is ready after around 5 minutes. Set allows
to performs around 20 tests. This test is used by police investigation teams and private detectives
and individual clients. Test detects existance of nucleoprotein, that build 96% of mans sperm.
The procedure of Test of Faithfulness
Before performing the Test of faithfulness one has to find genuine place to take the sample. The
best place is underwear. Using liquid from container 1 wet tested material. Next put the cotton pad
to wet place. After taking the sample with the pad, take the container 2 and wet the pad with it.
Seal-rose color of the pad indicates the appearance of sperm on tested subject. Furthermore this
indicates that woman have had an sexual intercourse during the last 72 hours.

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